How To Register New Inventions?

If you wish to protect your invention and prevent others from utilizing it, you’ll need to go through the procedure of invention registration.

To Be Completed Requirements Before the statutory registration of inventions

Following all printing standards given by the United States Patent ...

Do Some Diligence

You must do a comprehensive search of existing patents through the USPTO before proceeding with applying for patient protection.

The Procedure for Filing New Invention

The filing for patent protection is the next crucial step in registering an innovation. You can begin the procedure by visiting the USPTO website

How Much Does It Cost to File a Patent?

The cost of filing a patent application varies. The typical cost is roughly $300, though this varies depending on the classifications chosen.

What Is a Statutory Invention Registration (SIR)?

A statutory invention registration is a method that can prevent someone else from receiving a patent, but it is not a valid patent.


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